The transit lounge is the archetypal transit space, the point where the hyper-global + hyper-local coincide; a location which blurs traditional conceptions of geo-political boundaries, creating pockets of international space within the borders of individual nation-states. An in-between space, it exists relative to a fixed departure and arrival point, not to the area that surrounds it.

The Transit Lounge is a series of overlapping residencies for Australian and German artists and architects in Berlin. It is also a blog where themes relating to the project will develop, collaborations will be initiated and sustained, and observations on the city collected. The Transit Lounge invites you to participate in these transnational conversations by commenting on the blog.

For more information email us: transit [AT] transitlounge [DOT] org

The transit lounge is supported by Culturia and the DAZ

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Title: Informal Design

Introduction: Katie Hepworth(AUS)

Speakers: Hugo Moline(AUS), Ben Milbourne(AUS)

Location: Deutsches Architektur Zentrum, Köpenicker Straße 48/49 Aufgang A, 10179 Berlin-Mitte

Time: 19H, 22.05.07

Are infrastructures of informality possible? Can the informalism of the 3rd world mega-city be applied to the 1st world city?

Ben Milbourne and Hugo Moline are young, up and coming Australian architects, working in a global context. While their approach to architecture differs significantly, dealing with First world desires and Third world needs respectively, they share an approach to urbanism which embraces the informal and the chaotic in order to create and maintain dynamic, vibrant and changing communities and urbanisms. This focus marks a dramatic shift from that traditionally associated with Australian architecture and urban design, as represented in the DAZ exhibition in September. Ben and Hugo will discuss their own work in the context of contemporary Australian architecture and a wider global context.


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